As standard, your driver will weigh bags at your doorstep. The purpose of this is to ensure that your baggage doesn't exceed the airline's weight limit of 32kg, as items over this cannot be accepted by the airline.
It's important to note that our doorstep scales are not calibrated. Therefore, if your bag is approaching the 32kg limit, our team may kindly request you remove a few items. This precaution ensures that we can still accommodate your bags without any issues.
While we're here to assist with the weight check, it's essential for you to manage your baggage allowance in accordance with your airline ticket details. Unfortunately, we don't have direct access to this information and any bags exceeding your allowance, up to 32kg, will incur charges. To avoid any additional fees and ensure a hassle-free journey, we recommend addressing extra baggage or weight charges directly with your airline before your departure.
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