For some flights we're able to collect your bags up to 72 hours before check-in opens. If you've been able to select one of these slots then we can collect your bags.
At the moment this is only available on British Airways flights travelling from London Gatwick or London Heathrow.
How does it work?
- The driver will collect your bags during your chosen slot - make sure you've checked what documents you need and who needs to be present
- Your bags are held in our secure storage location until you've checked in and have your boarding pass
- Once you've checked in, we'll be notified automatically - you don't need to do anything
- As soon as the window opens for us to drop your bags off, we'll take them to the airport and hand them over to the airline for your flight
- You'll receive confirmation along with your bag tags
When do I need to be checked in by?
- Make sure you check-in as soon as the window opens
- If you're flying before 3pm, you must be checked in by 23.59 the night before your flight
- If you're flying after 3pm, you must be checked in by 11.59 the day of your flight
The check in window opens part way through my collection slot
If the driver arrives before the check-in window opens, then we can take your bags without you being checked in. As soon as the check-in window opens, you must have checked in and have your boarding pass for us to complete the collection.
I can't check in
If the check in window has opened and you're not able to check in online, this may prevent us from completing your booking and your bags may have be returned you to at the airport before you go through security. See here for more information.
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