When purchasing your airline ticket, the airline will inform you of your baggage allowance, which is the number of hold bags you are entitled to check in. Your baggage allowance will depend on factors like the airline, route, ticket type, and loyalty status, and it will be shown in your confirmation email and the airline’s Manage Booking platform.
If you need to purchase additional checked bags, your airline will usually allow you to do so online via their Manage Booking platform.
An excess baggage charge is a fee charged by the airline if you check in more bags than your allowance permits. These fees can vary depending on the airline and may be based on:
- The number of bags
- The individual or combined weight of your bags
- Whether any items are oversized (as defined by the airline)
It is your responsibility to check your baggage allowance and ensure that we only check in bags within that allowance. If you ask us to check in more bags than your allowance covers, the airline will inform Airportr of the excess baggage fees. We will pay these charges on your behalf to avoid delays, and then automatically recharge them to your payment card. You will receive an email with both the Airportr payment receipt and the airline-issued excess baggage receipt.
Please note: Airportr will not accept items that weigh 32 kg or more.
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